I have been thinking seriously about this new virus for the past two weeks. To be honest I’m a little worried. Not a lot worried but a little. I am still taking care of someone and if you’re caring for someone it is natural to be worried.
I try to sift though the shitstorm of posts, tweets and news and follow the science about this shitz virus. And the science settles me a bit.
So tips I believe in:
- Practice frequent hand hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water properly, at least 20 seconds is recommended. There are vids out here on the net so just do a search,
- have a alcohol in a spritzer and use it as backup if soap and water is not in close proximity
- try to avoid close contact with people with fever and cough or other respiratory symptoms or avoid crowded places if that is at all possible,
- face masks are best worn by people who are sick so be considerate and wear one especially if you’re coughing or sneezing. A better option is to just stay home if you’re sick.
- The World Health Organization has more advice here.
What I know of the virus;
- currently its fatality rate is quite low at 2%. SARS has a 10% fatality rate.
- people have recovered from the virus
It feels like I’m playing with Russian roulette
References: World Health Organization